VRoid Studioのテクスチャを活用した、衣装のアレンジ方法です。VRoid Studioの衣装サンプルは、少し多めにシワが入れてあるので、それを活用して袖がキュッと締まった半袖ワンピースの作り方をご紹介します。
① Export the dress texture and import it into another painting software (in this tutorial, we are using Photoshop).
② Delete part of the sleeves so that they become shorter. Copy a section of the stomach part of the texure and adjust its size so it fits the sleeves.
③ Delete the upper part of the texture you just copied with an eraser so it blends in with the original sleeve texture.
④ Once you're done with one side, copy and mirror the sleeve to create the other.
⑤ Import the texture again to VRoid Studio, and there you have a short-sleeved dress with tight sleeves.
This technique of copying a part of the texture and using for different sections is also used in game production.
Make good use of this lesson to design various pieces of clothing!