[v0.14.0] Addition of new sample models and animations (June 29th, 2021 JST)
[v0.13.2] Fixes for 3D printing bug and more (May 17th, 2021)
[v0.13.1] Fixed bugs affecting female models etc. (February 16th, 2021)
[v0.13.0] Adding the 3D printing feature, as well as a revision of the program's English version
[v0.12.1] Patch for the Expression editor feature and expression parameters (December 22nd, 2020)
[v0.12.0] Added the Expression Editor feature, improved the Darkness Shibu model, and more (December 17th, 2020)
[v0.11.3] Added shortcut keys for zooming in and out, fixed an issue with the color picker showing darker colors, etc. (October 29, 2020)
[ v0.7.3 ] We fixed the bugs and other issues related to clothing texture (UV) (August 23, 2019)
[ v0.7.2 ] We fixed the bugs and other issues related to face transformation (August 9, 2019)
[ v0.7.1 ] We fixed various bugs, including the bug that prevented the data which includes the dresses created with v0.6.4 to load (August 3, 2019)
[ v0.7.0 ] We added new clothing, shoes, a feature to change layer names, and more (August 3, 2019)
[ v0.6.4 ] We added more dress variations and a new hairstyle parameter (April 12, 2019)
[ v0.6.3 ] We fixed the bug that affected layer operation (April 5, 2019)
[ v0.6.2 ] We fixed various bugs including texture, gaze, and more (April 4, 2019)
[v0.6.0~1] We enabled parts to be worn individually when changing clothes, increased the speed of the UI system, and more (April 3, 2019)
[v0.5.4] We added the switch to turn automatic blinking on and off, and more (February 6, 2019)
[v0.5.2 ~ v0.5.2-p1] A blur effect was added to PostEffect (Jan 22, 2019)