Thank you for using VRoid Studio.
The updates for the VRoid Studio v0.14.0 release are as follows.
■ New features
- The sample models AvatarSample_A, AvatarSample_B, and AvatarSample_C have been added
- 18 new animations for female models have been added (including 10 poses)
- 8 new animations for male models have been added (including 4 poses)
- The sample models Shibu Sendagaya, Shino Sendagaya, and Fumiriya Sakurada have retired
- The sample model Darkness_Shibu has been renamed AvatarSample_D
- The sample model Vivi has been renamed AvatarSample_E
- The sample model Vita has been renamed AvatarSample_F
- The sample model Victoria_Rubin has been renamed AvatarSample_G
- Sample models can now be ordered by timestamp
- Copyright Waiver (CC0) when exporting VRM files for the new sample models has been disabled
- A link to Terms of Use for sample models has been added to the start screen
We're always striving to improve our services based on the requests and feedback from our users. Thank you for continuing to use VRoid!