Install the XWearPackage beta using the VRChat Creator Companion (VCC).
After installing VCC, copy the adress below, paste it into the browser's address bar, and run it.
Please read the Terms of Use before you start using the package.
By starting to use it, you agree to these terms.
▼XWear Packager Software Terms of Use
XWear Packager is compatible with the following versions.
Required Unity version: 2022.3.22f1
Dependent package: VRChat SDK - Avatars 3.7.0 or later
To launch VCC, enter the address in your browser's address bar.
If the page below doesn't appear, update or restart VCC.
If you run into issues, you can also add it via Settings.
Go to Setting > Packages > Add Repository
Enter the following URL in the Repository Listing URL field.
Once entered, you will be able to click Add.
Click Add, and the following screen will appear. Click on "I Understand, Add Repository" to proceed.
Click "Manage project" for your project.
Please use VRChat SDK version 3.7.1 or later.
Click the + on the XWearPackage to complete the installation.
To update the package to its latest version, click the green arrow labeled "Latest Version".
To learn more on how to use XAvatar/XWear with XWear Packager, please see the following articles.
▼How do I convert to XAvatar?
▼How do I convert to XWear?