Table of contents
I want to dress up models
I want to start using the feature right away
To start enjoying the dress-up feature right away, search, purchase, and download your desired model (.vrm, .xavatar, or .vroid file) and costume (.xwear file) from BOOTH.
Search on BOOTH
What are XAvatar, XWear, and XRoid?
▼VRoid Studio dress-up feature glossary
Once you have the necessary files, refer to the following article to start having fun with the dress-up feature.
▼How do I use the dress-up feature?
I want to dress a VRoid Studio model for VRChat
To use a model made in VRoid Studio, prepare a .vroid or .vrm file.
To dress this model for VRChat, convert the costume to the .xwear format using Unity (VRChat Creator Companion) and XWear Packager by following the guide below.
▼How do I convert to XWear?
Once you have the necessary files, refer to the following article to start having fun with the dress-up feature.
▼How do I use the dress-up feature?
I want to dress a VRChat model in costumes made in VRoid Studio
To use VRChat costumes in VRoid Studio, convert the VRChat avatar to the .xavatar format using Unity (VRChat Creator Companion) and XWear Packager by following the guide below.
▼How do I convert to XAvatar?
To dress the model in costumes made in VRoid Studio, export the outfit as XWear data using VRoid Studio by following the steps in the article below.
▼How do I export custom items created in VRoid Studio as XWear data?
Once you have the necessary files, refer to the following article to start having fun with the dress-up feature.
▼How do I use the dress-up feature?
I want to use a dressed-up model
I want to use a dressed-up model in VRChat
After dressing up your model in VRoid Studio, select "Export XAvatar" from the upload icon in the top right corner.
Then, use XWear Packager to import the XAvatar file into Unity and upload it to VRChat using the VRChat SDK.
To learn more, refer to the Help article below.
▼How do I upload a dressed-up model to VRChat?
I want to distribute or sell a dressed-up model
When planning to distribute or sell your model, consider using VRM, XAvatar, or XRoid files.
VRM files are ideal for use in VRM applications.
XAvatar files are recommended if you plan to upload the model to VRChat, offering the ability to maintain shape keys, shader information, and intricate hierarchies similar to distributing a Unity Package.
XRoid files are best for further edits in VRoid Studio.
*Always make sure that the model and costumes you're using can be modified or redistributed under their respective terms.
I want to use a dressed-up model in VRM-compatible apps
After dressing up your model in VRoid Studio, select "Export VRM" from the upload icon in the top right corner.
Load the exported .vrm file into the desired application.
I want to upload a dressed-up model to VRoid Hub (for use with VRoid Hub-linked apps)
After dressing up your model in VRoid Studio, select "Export VRM" from the upload icon in the top right corner.
Then, upload the exported .vrm file to VRoid Hub.
*The maximum file size for uploads is 64MB.
If your model exceeds this limit, consider optimizing textures while respecting the terms associated with the model and costume.
*Always carefully check the rights of the model and costumes you are using before uploading.
(E.g. Do not set a model that prohibits redistribution as "Download: YES".)