In the Photo Booth, you can take photos and videos of the character models you've uploaded.
If you have VRM animation data (.vrma files), you can incorporate a variety of animations into your models.
Additionally, if you're looking for VRM animation data, you can view and purchase numerous items under the #VRMA tag on BOOTH.
Entering the Photo Booth
You can enter the Photo Booth feature from the camera icon at the top right of the model page.
* Only displayed for character models you have posted yourself.
Changing Animations
In addition to choosing from the registered preset animations, you can load your own .vrma files using the "Select .vrma File" button.
.vrma files can be found on BOOTH, among other places, or you can create them yourself.
For specifications and compatible applications of VRM animations (.vrma files), please refer to the official documentation.
Changing Facial Expressions
VRM animations are animation file formats that include settings for facial expressions.
However, in the Photo Booth feature, you can overwrite expressions while playing animations.
Changing Background Color
Choose from the color palette, and you can even make the background frame invisible.
If you want to output images with transparent backgrounds, please select the checkerboard pattern in the upper left corner.
Specifying the Photo Size
You can change the photo and video shooting sizes. You can choose from "Window Size," "16:9," "9:16," "1:1," "VRoid Hub Thumbnail," and "X (Twitter) Thumbnail."