To develop an application using VRoid SDK, you must configure the name of the application, the application icon, and various behavioral settings. You can configure these settings on the Application settings page.
Application settings page
* Only registered developers of the VRoid SDK can access the page.
The settings page looks like this.
Application information
Name of the app
The name and icon are what help the user actually recognize the application. You can see what the name and icon will look like in the following image. These two elements are the face of the app, so make sure that they make it stand out from other apps.
These are the images and YouTube videos that are displayed on the VRoid Hub's application page. Use images that briefly describe the features of the application or a YouTube video of the application in action to attract the user's attention.
Redirect URI
When a user uses an application for VRoid Hub integration, they need an access token to execute the VRoid Hub API. This URI is a way to get the authorization code needed to receive the access token.
For mobile apps, specify the Custom URL Scheme like "my-vroidsdk-app://vroidhub". For applications that do not allow redirect URI (e.g. desktop apps), specify "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".
You can also set multiple redirect URI. For example, if you are developing a mobile app in Unity, you can set up a Custom URL Scheme to run on the actual device and "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" to run in an editor, so that the app can be used on the editor screen.
Depending on the scope, you can change what the application can do.
default: Allows you to use standard functions, such as getting character models from VRoid Hub. It is recommended to check this option, as you won't be able to use any of the standard features otherwise.
heart: Allows you to add or remove hearts to other people's models.
Service URL
The official URL of the service. Set up a URL that allows users to follow the information about your app when they learn about it. If there is no official website, you can set a Twitter account where people can find out about the app's creators, an AppStore URL for iOS, or a Google Play URL for Android.
Service summary
When a user uses a VRoid Hub integration with the app, the following OAuth integration screen is displayed. The "Integrated features overview" is the text shown in the red box and it should describe in a few words what the user can do by integrating VRoid Hub.
App overview
This is the content of the "About this app" text displayed on the application's introduction page on VRoid Hub, where you can place a text introducing the application to the users searching for it on VRoid Hub.
Supported Formats
If the supported formats include VRM1.0, VRM1.0 models will appear in the list of models that can be acquired via the VRoid SDK and in the "Character" section of the application page of the VRoid Hub.
VRM1.0 requires VRoid SDK 0.2.0 or later version.
Model usage information
Set the operations your application will perform on the models it calls up from VRoid Hub.
When your application retrieves the list of models, it will automatically filter them based on these settings and on the usage conditions that were set for the models (see the image below).
Model alterations
If this parameter is set to "Yes", it means the application allows altering models and will only call up models that can be altered. It will not call up models that cannot be altered.
Model redistribution
If this parameter is set to "Yes", it means the application allows redistributing models and will only call up models that can be redistributed. It will not call up models that cannot be redistributed.
Usage as avatar
If this parameter is set to "Yes", it means the application allows using models as avatars and will only call up models that can be used as avatars. It will not call up models that cannot be used as avatars.
Usage in sexual depictions
If this parameter is set to "Yes", it means the application allows sexual depictions of the models and will only call up models that allow sexual depictions. It will not call up models that do not allow sexual depictions.
Usage in violent depictions
If this parameter is set to "Yes", it means the application allows violent depictions of the models and will only call up models that allow violent depictions. It will not call up models that do not allow violent depictions.
If this parameter is set to "No", it means the application does not display the models' credit notation and will only call up models that don't require attribution. It will not call up models that require attribution.
Application type
Corporate apps will only call up models that allow corporate commercial use. For individual apps, see the next section.
Commercial usage
This parameter can only be set for individual (personal) apps. Select whether the user's usage of the models in your application constitutes commercial use and, if so, its extent. The app will only call up the models that fit your selection.