If you allow third-party use when uploading a character to VRoid Hub, that character will be available to be used for video distribution, as a video game character, etc.
New characters could also be created based on the original character.
Your characters could be used by a vast range of third parties, including individuals, groups, and corporations.
The purpose for which characters are used also spans from personal enjoyment to corporate commercial use.
You can decide how third parties can use your characters by setting personalized usage conditions.
▼ About the characters conditions of use
Please note that, under the same usage conditions, you cannot make your characters available to user A but not to user B.
Any user will be able to use your model if they are within the scope of your usage conditions.
Also, although the creator can register the character's name and personality, this information is not included in the VRM file.
Third parties might assign a different name and personality to the character in their usage destination.