On pixivFACTORY, you can 3D print your models created with VRoid Studio.
It's as easy as it sounds. You just need to export a file from VRoid Studio and import in onto pixivFACTORY to print your own 3D figure.
In this article we will be explaining how to export the fvp file you will need on pixivFACTORY.
* This service is only available to those in Japan, as pixivFACTORY does not support international shipping.
Table of Contents
STEP 1.Create a Model to 3D Print
STEP 2.Set a Facial Expression
STEP 3.Select a Pose
STEP 4.Confirm the Pose
STEP 5.3Export 3D Printing Data
STEP 1.Create a Model to 3D Print
Open VRoid Studio and create the model you're going to 3D print.
STEP 2.Set a Facial Expression
Click on the upload icon, and select "Export for 3D Printing".
Select "Facial Expression" and set a facial expression using the parameters on the right panel.
(Note that even with "Blink" enabled, the model will be exported with open eyes)
STEP 3.Select a Pose
There are three ways to set a pose for your model.
- If you're using a preset pose
Select Poses & Animations > Poses.
Select the pose you'd like under the "Preset Poses" category.
- If you're setting a pose on your own
Select Poses & Animations > Poses.
Check "Show Controller" and use the control points to move the character and set the desired position.
* Don't click on "Stop" on this step.
- If you're using an animation
Select Poses & Animations > Poses.
Select either Animations 1 or Animations 2.
From each list, select the animation you like best.
* Don't click on "Stop" on this step.
Useful Tips
You can use wind to have the model's hair move and look more realistic.
Click on "Wind", and use the sliders to get the desired wind direction.
* Don't click on "Stop" on this step.
STEP 4.Confirm the Pose
Click on "Confirm this Pose" to set the displayed pose.
STEP 5.Export 3D Printing Data
Finally, click on "Export" to select the folder for the save data.
This is all you need to do on VRoid Studio.
Next, you will need to go to pixivFACTORY and upload the exported data for 3D printing.
For more information on how to upload data, visit the link below.